I can clearly see about 12-16 bars of music at a time.
The landscape position is great for viewing large sections of music.
When rotated from a landscape to a portrait position, I can see an entire page of an orchestral score without scrolling around which is great when editting or filling in parts. The Gateway monitor is great for writing orchestral scores.
Finale software 2008 Pc#
A couple of years ago I switched to a PC but I still have my G4 Mac and use it. I like having the piano in front of me while playing through the music. I installed a pullout shelf below the table top for the piano keyboard. That Macintosh was later given to a friend and now I think it's an aquarium!! I still use the same desk but made some modifications on it. This was the original computer desk I bought back in the 80s when I bought my first Macintosh. Many Finale versions later and many computers later, I'm still writing using Finale software in my studio (pictured right). He was working in the Mac Lab at WT helping other students learn Finale so he really got me off to a good start writing music on the computer. It was around this time I met my husband, David. I later upgraded to Finale and I must admit that I wasn't much of a computer person at the time. It wasn't fancy but it was all I could afford at the time ($100). The first music writing software I tried was the Deluxe Music Construction Set. In the late 80s, when I bought my first Macintosh computer to write music, it was so exciting.